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Ministering Meals with Missionaries

“We noticed that a new family (a husband and wife with two small children) just moved into the neighborhood. We visited them with some cookies and invited them to dinner later that week with the missionaries. During the dinner (and also before any gospel message was shared!), they asked "Where do you worship? Since we just moved in, we're looking for a church." Needless to say, we and the missionaries were able to help with that question! The new family has since come to church and they LOVE it! They're now taking the lessons with the missionaries."


At Home with the Mission President


President Clark &

Sister Kari Maxwell

Our family invited one of our daughter's friends, Gabe, to our home for General Conference and lunch last October. We've had him over for dinner many times since, along with a Come, Follow Me lesson each week. Then we started inviting the missionaries to dinner as well and he started taking the missionary lessons. However, his mother (Carli) was strongly against the Church and told him it was a cult and she wouldn't allow him to be baptized. So my wife reached out to Carli (Kari started the friendship by sitting with her at one of Gabe's basketball games, then stopped by her house with some brownies, then invited her to dinner at our home along with Gabe). Carli has now joined us for dinner multiple times and her heart has completely changed. She's seen a great change in Gabe and is seeing how much the gospel has blessed his life. Long story short, Carli now has consented to his baptism (Gabe is getting baptized on May 20!), and she even went with Kari to Deseret Book to buy Gabe a set of LDS scriptures with his name engraved on the scriptures as a baptismal gift. Gabe wants to serve a mission in one year and Carli is 100% supportive. It's been an incredible change. Carli has joined Gabe at Church a couple of times and has started taking the lessons herself.

Supporting Resources

Using missionary meals as a ministering tool is not new to the Ontario  Oregon Stake.  However, this specific approach is a bit different.  The following resources may help you implement this in your ward.

Files for Download

Ministering Meals with Missionaries FAQ

This is the Original FAQ sheet sent from the Idaho Boise Mission when Ministering Meals with Missionaries was first announced.

Letter from President Dahle

This letter was sent to Ward Mission Leaders when Ministering Meals with Missionaries was introduced to the Ontario Oregon Stake.  

Q&A with Our Local Missionaries

In order to better understand how Ministering Meals with Missionaris is being implemented and what is being successful we asked the missionaries to share.  

Successes shared by Pres. Maxwell

Much of this document is highlighted in other areas on this page.  Testimonials of success being seen by this inspired program.

Questions? Comments!

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This is not an official site of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Content is intended to share local resources and information with the community for use in helping individuals and families with self reliance efforts. Individuals and leaders should validate and verify suitability of each resource before using or recommending.

Website Design by Pamela Boren

Ontario Stake Website Specialist

New Plymouth, Idaho

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© 2023 Ontario Stake, Ontario, Oregon

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