Suicide is a global public health issue that can often be prevented. While it is a complex situation with no single cause, the risks can be reduced when family, friends, ward members, and mental health professionals come together to help those who are struggling. Everyone can play a role in suicide prevention and should learn the risk factors and warning signs. If you or someone you know is considering suicide, please reach out and talk to someone who can provide the right help.
Instruction from prophets, apostles, scriptures, manuals, media, and more can be found at Gospel Topic, Suicide.
Lifeways Crisis Number
Ontario, Oregon
Western Idaho Community Crisis Center
524 Cleveland Blvd - Suite 160
Caldwell, ID 8360
Open 24 Hours
Free walk in crisis care to western Idaho Counties, always open, helps with any mental health crisis, drug detox, etc. May stay for 24 hours.
Place for adult women who are survivors of childhood sexual abuse to come together and find Safety, Community, and Education.
National Suicide Prevention Hotline
1-800-273-8255 (talk)
In Idaho - Suicide Prevention - Dial 211 - Press 2
Idaho Suicide Prevention Hotline 24/7 - 208-398-4357
Veterans Crisis Line - 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1
Oregon Youth Line - Call 1-877-968-8491, or text "teen2teen" to 839863
Chat at
Oregon Youthline is a teen-to-teen crisis and help line. You may contact them with anything that may be bothering you; no problem is too big or too small. Teens are available to help daily from 5:00pm to 9:00pm MST. Off hour calls are answered by other qualified individuals at Lines for Life.
Recommendations for Religious Services & Other Public Memorial Observances
“Supporting Survivors of Suicide Loss: A Guide for Funeral Directors,”
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Friends for Survival - A monthly newsletter, groups, Facebook page offering support after a suicide death.