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"Abuse is the treatment of others or self in a way that causes injury or offense. It harms the mind and the spirit and often injures the body as well. It can cause confusion, doubt, mistrust, and fear. It is a violation of the laws of society and is in total opposition to the teachings of the Savior. The Lord condemns abusive behavior in any form—physical, sexual, verbal, or emotional." Gospel Topic, Abuse. Includes teachings from prophets and apostles, scriptures, manuals, media, teaching outlines and more.


24-Hour National Domestic Violence Hotline   1-(800)-799-7233

24-Hour Domestic Violence Hotline 208-343-7025

24-Hour Rape Hotline 208-345-7273 (RAPE)


Project Dove

Ontario, OREGON

Hotline  800-889-2000 (24⁄7)



Project DOVE offers safe refuge and support to victims of domestic and sexual violence. The programs and services inform survivors of their options and support them in their choices including respect for survivors’ rights such as the right to decide whether to report to the police the crime or crimes committed against them.


The website has a list of community resources as well as education on pertinent topics such as how restraining orders work and how to get them.  Project Dove offers classes including a Women’s Support Group and  Parenting after Trauma as well as a Teen Group and a Kid’s Connection Class for those affected by Domestic violence.  Resources for Men are also available.


Rose Advocates

Payette, IDAHO

Hotline 208-414-0740 (24⁄7)

Business  208-642-1025


Women's and Children's Alliance 

720 West Washington Street, Boise, Idaho 83702

208-343-3688       Resources



Faces of Hope Victim Center 

417 South 6th Street, Boise, ID 83702

208-577-4400 weekdays for appointments


Finding Hope

Support Groups for adult women who are survivors of childhood sexual abuse to come together and find Safety, Community, and Education.


Domestic Shelters Articles

A website with answers to common questions, articles and videos dealing with topics surrounding abuse.


Child Abuse Prevention

Idaho Reporting Numbers

Information on what kinds of things to report and what happens after.

Statewide: 1-855-552-KIDS (5437)

Treasure Valley: 208-334-KIDS (5437) 


Oregon Child Abuse 

Hotline 1-855-503-SAFE (7233)

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